In a shocking cover article, the July 4th issue of Time Magazine presents the story of the United States Constitution, and makes the claim that it is outdated and unnessacary. The writer presents the fact that the United States constitution has indeed been under attack and undermined since its creation, however fails to admit that his own article is another wound to the integrity of the United States Constitution. The truth of the matter is the United States is facing a constitutional crisis in its modern history. The office of presidency has overshadowed its traditional constitutional role, overstepping checks and balances in the legitimate political structure, ignoring Congress and ignoring the public. Decades of Presidential Executive Orders have overturned the key principals set in law in the United States Constitution and its approved amendments. A shadow military industrial complex government has formed, just as former President John F Kennedy had warned the people about prior to his untimely assassination.
The argument that the Constitution is no longer needed simply because, as the article implies, "the founding fathers did not foresee our current events", is a false argument about the vital need for a strong Constitutional document. Any country and nation requires a solid Constitution in which to base it's laws and Government apon. In fact, the United States Constitution is the best founding document any country or nation could aspire to have. A system of solid checks and balances to insure lawful and peaceful government, private property rights, freedom of speech, independence and sovereignty, and a strong currency and economic system. These are all things any nation would aspire for, and they are all provided for under the United States Constitution.
The fact that Time Magazine would stoop to the low point of printing an article like this for the week of July 4th is in itself an attack on the founding of its own country. Independence Day is a day millions of Americans celebrate the many things that made America a great country. How sad it is to see this kind of journalism as this hit piece on the founding document of the United States.
The article tries to appeal to a younger generation, familiar with Facebook, Twitter, Google, texting, and so on, however fails to miss the fact that the so called "younger generation" is largely concerned with the future of the United States, and the rest of the world. In fact many youth are greatly concerned with the direction the globalist elite are taking the planet, and the tyranny that they are unleashing apon us. The truth is the tyranny of the New World Order is actively assaulting the youth, such as at the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh in 2009, where juiced up power tripping riot police went out of their way in the middle of the night to the local College and start beating on students, even making their way into the dorms. These students largely were not involved in protesting, and in fact where just hanging around on campus, eating and listening to music, things many young people do. With the young generation being connected to new social media, Facebook, Twitter and the like, the truth is reaching the masses of the so called "younger generation" in the interests of freedom and liberty.
2012 presidential candidate Ron Paul in fact has the support of many young people and older alike in the cause of freedom and liberty. As Ron Paul makes it clear, many in society, including the younger generation, is aware that the Constitution provides strong economic prosperity if only a truly Constitutional government was restored.
This Time hit piece will fail, and has already failed. It is a key example of how the mainstream media have become dieing dinosaurs who have lost all of their credibility. The fact that civilians and the public has to become true journalists and challenge the mainstream media, to do the jobs that the mainstream media reporters owe us shows the scope of this conspiracy. A push to shut down free speech on the internet is coming, as the New World Order tries to clamp down on the insemination of knowledge. As we awaken to their agendas, we will expose these measures.
The truth remains, the United States Constitution is vital. It will never go out of date.